• Tania is a software engineer at DuckDB Labs. She previously interned at CWI.
  • DuckDB in a nutshell: Analytical database, In-process, Written in C++

Nested Data

-- reading data from multiple parquet files stored elsewhere using DuckDB
SELECT SUM(size_total)
    SELECT SUM(size) as size_total FROM 'https://huggingface.co/datasets/vivym/midjourney-messages/resolve/main/data/000000.parquet'
    SELECT SUM(size) as size_total FROM 'https://huggingface.co/datasets/vivym/midjourney-messages/resolve/main/data/000001.parquet'
    SELECT SUM(size) as size_total FROM 'https://huggingface.co/datasets/vivym/midjourney-messages/resolve/main/data/000002.parquet'
    SELECT SUM(size) as size_total FROM 'https://huggingface.co/datasets/vivym/midjourney-messages/resolve/main/data/000003.parquet'
    SELECT SUM(size) as size_total FROM 'https://huggingface.co/datasets/vivym/midjourney-messages/resolve/main/data/000004.parquet'
	-- and so on until 000055.parquet
-- query using lambda function in DuckDB
    SUM(size) AS size
FROM read_parquet(
        generate_series(0, 55),
        n -> 'https://huggingface.co/datasets/vivym/midjourney-messages/resolve/main/data/' ||
            format('{:06d}', n) || '.parquet'
  • Nested data isn’t typical for relational DBs
    • Schemas don’t support nesting and force users to normalize their data
    • You’d end up needing to buy/build a specialized analytical system that supports nested data
      • Note: pg has nested data support but isn’t an analytical system.

How DuckDB Does It


The internal layout for the list type is broken into a vector with offset and length of list and then the selection and child vector with the original data.

  • Vector-at-a-time (operation applied to entire vector leveraging SIMD)
  • Ideally the vectors fit in L1 cache.
  • Can use tight loops to run computations.

A tight loop is one which is CPU cache-friendly. It is a loop which fits in the instruction cache, which does no branching, and which effectively hides memory fetch latency for data being processed.
Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/26924484/12531621

-- tbl:
│ l          ┆ n │
│ [7, 12, 5] ┆ 2
│ [1, 11]    ┆ 3
-- SELECT [x + n FOR x IN l IF x < 10] AS result FROM tbl;
│ result │
│ [9, 7] │
│ [4]    │
  • First list has length 2 since one element (12) got filtered out. Similarly, we filtered out the 2nd list and are left with 1 element.
  • Selection vector has also changed. First element (7) is on index 0. Second element (5) is on index 2 and so on.

Parser, Transformer, Binder

  • Parser / Transformer
    • Parse list comprehension syntax
    • Transform into scalar function
    • SELECT [x + n FOR x IN l IF x < 10] AS result FROM tbl; ->
      SELECT LIST_TRANSFORM(LIST_FILTER(l, y -> y < 10), x -> x + n) AS result FROM tbl;
    • Binder
      • Lambda parameters (x ->)
        • Get the logical type of each parameter
        • Create a dummy table containing 1 column for each parameter
      • Lambda expression (-> x + n)
        • Bind the lambda expression like any other expression
        • Use the dummy table to “pretend” that lambda parameters are columns
      • Index calculation
        • During execution : expects vectors to execute on
        • Indexes express vector location. In -> x + n x has index: 0, n has index 1.
      • Expressions can get more complex with recursion and nested lambda parameters.
        • Eg: log(n + x * 2) + y where y is an outer lambda parameter.
      • Captures
        • The lambda expression is removed from the scalar function LIST_FILTER and added to a global execution state.
        • The function parameters are updated. Eg: LIST_FILTER(l, y -> y < 10) -> LIST_FILTER(l, 10)